US informs United Nations about reimposing ban on Iran
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Donald Trump | File photo/wikimedia[/caption]
The United States has informed UN Secretary-General Antonio Gutarase that it will take the initiative to restore all sanctions on Iran. The US said that it "openly supports any kind of traditional Weapons (commonly used in war) will not buy and sell.
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo arrived at the United Nations headquarters on Thursday and met Secretary-General Gutarace and UN Ambassador Diane Triyansiah Dajani of Indonesia, President of the UN Security Council for the month of August. Pompeo handed him the letter which details the US decision to restore all UN sanctions on Iran in a way. These restrictions on Iran were lifted under United Nations Security Council Resolution 2231.
Under this, all these restrictions will be implemented again within 30 days from 20 August. "Our message is very simple," Pompeo told reporters at the United Nations. The United States will never allow the world's largest country to sponsor terrorism from the level of government to openly buy or sell aircraft, tanks, missiles or other types of conventional weapons.
He said that with the lifting of the ban, the accountability for Iran's other malicious activities will also be fixed. Iran's ballistic missile training will be banned again. Iran's nuclear activities will also be banned again. Significantly, only one member voted in favor of the US in last week's vote on the proposal to ban Iran, Russia and China opposed it while 11 members were absent.

The United States has informed UN Secretary-General Antonio Gutarase that it will take the initiative to restore all sanctions on Iran. The US said that it "openly supports any kind of traditional Weapons (commonly used in war) will not buy and sell.
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo arrived at the United Nations headquarters on Thursday and met Secretary-General Gutarace and UN Ambassador Diane Triyansiah Dajani of Indonesia, President of the UN Security Council for the month of August. Pompeo handed him the letter which details the US decision to restore all UN sanctions on Iran in a way. These restrictions on Iran were lifted under United Nations Security Council Resolution 2231.
Under this, all these restrictions will be implemented again within 30 days from 20 August. "Our message is very simple," Pompeo told reporters at the United Nations. The United States will never allow the world's largest country to sponsor terrorism from the level of government to openly buy or sell aircraft, tanks, missiles or other types of conventional weapons.
He said that with the lifting of the ban, the accountability for Iran's other malicious activities will also be fixed. Iran's ballistic missile training will be banned again. Iran's nuclear activities will also be banned again. Significantly, only one member voted in favor of the US in last week's vote on the proposal to ban Iran, Russia and China opposed it while 11 members were absent.